Friday, 31 August 2018


In class we did explanation writing I did mine on seals.

What are some of the fiercest and the cutest mammals alive? The carnivorous Seal!
So did know this whatever the case read on.

Seal parents go out and hunt fish and other sea creature. The biggest Seal is the southern elephant Seal. It can grow to 6.09 metres and the smallest is the ringed Seal which is only 1.5 metres long. They are carnivores and eat small fish such as rock fish herring and salmon. They are the biggest carnivores alive.Seals live in the antarctic Seals have quite a lot of blubber to keep them nice and toasty.Seals have white or black fur. When Seals are born they are fed fattening milk to gain all their blubber. When they are 3-7 years old they mate. Then the females give birth after 9-12 months.

Seals are flourishing and are not endangered at all. :)

Seals are amazing creatures don't you think.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Maths Poster

In class this week we did maths posters to show Room 8. We could either do it on addition, subtraction, division or multiplication my best friend Liam and I did addition. In the picture above is my poster. I loved doing the poster because I could do it with my best friend. 

Thursday, 9 August 2018


At school, we did speeches we do speeches because it teaches us public speaking. Mine was about A.I  (artificial intelligence) stealing our jobs. I hope you enjoy reading it. 

You might think that robots and technology are cool and amazing. Robots are doing amazing things like dismantling bombs in countries and being used in complex operations. Technology lets us play games like Fortnite and Minecraft together - letting us pretend to be somewhere and play together- even when we aren’t in the same house, city or country. It lets us  connect with people all over the world. But would you still think it was amazing if robots or technology took over people’s jobs, took over your parent’s jobs?

People are saying that new technologies and artificial intelligence or AI as they call it for short will take over simple processing jobs. Jobs like repetitive factory work and order taking jobs like cashiers at restaurants. You can already go to MacDonalds and order using a machine and visa paywave – no need to talk to a person.

But they will not only take over simple processing jobs as the technology gets more complicated the machines will also take over more complicated process jobs like legal work, accounting and medicine
People are starting to worry that A.I. will do their jobs better than they can, so they are scared that they will lose their jobs.

But this is not the first time that people have had this worry. Imagine back in the days when people travelled by horse and cart  - there were jobs for cart drivers, cart builders, and horse shoemakers, etc. Then suddenly along came this new technology that we all know today as the car….. People were worried about their jobs back then too. What would those cart drivers and builders do now?
They learned new skills and got new jobs. Because with new technology – new jobs are  created. Towns no longer needed a cart builder but they needed a mechanic, and rich people wanted car drivers. As old jobs went through the introduction of new technology, new jobs arose.

So what does this all mean for people working today? What are the long term effects of this new technology? Will the new technology mean less jobs and because of this less money, which will lead to more of us living on the streets?

I think it will be good and bad. For those that want to learn new skills, they will be fine and be working in jobs they may even prefer in the future. For others it will not be so easy and I think they will find it hard to get work because they don’t have the right skills for the new jobs.

But what do you think?

What do You think of it is it good or is it bad?

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Eel and the flounder


  My friend Otis and I made this slide for reading. We were learning about Pacific myths, and this story is a Samoan myth. I liked this myth because 2 friend broke up and fought. Hope you enjoy it.