In class we did explanation writing I did mine on seals.
What are some of the fiercest and the cutest mammals alive? The carnivorous Seal!So did know this whatever the case read on.
Seal parents go out and hunt fish and other sea creature. The biggest Seal is the southern elephant Seal. It can grow to 6.09 metres and the smallest is the ringed Seal which is only 1.5 metres long. They are carnivores and eat small fish such as rock fish herring and salmon. They are the biggest carnivores alive.Seals live in the antarctic Seals have quite a lot of blubber to keep them nice and toasty.Seals have white or black fur. When Seals are born they are fed fattening milk to gain all their blubber. When they are 3-7 years old they mate. Then the females give birth after 9-12 months.
Seals are flourishing and are not endangered at all. :)
Seals are amazing creatures don't you think.